Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today I was working on the CSS and I got 10 errors int he CSS.

I will used this (/* commands */) to disable the command and see how the website look. 

Monday, March 28, 2011


I was Working on the website today and I apply this command that combine  the (h1, h2, h3)  here is the picture of the CSS.

Here also the Txt.

h1, h2, h3{ 
 font-family: Baskervilla, "Palatino Linotype", Times, serif;
 border-top: 2px solid #81A100;
 padding-top: 7px;
 padding-left: 100px;
 font-size: 28px;
 line-height: 44px;

And here you will see the effect.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday (3/25/11)

I was working the aside bar today but for that I made the website look different because I'm using some other effect that are not in the CSS: The Missing Manual.
The Website now.


And the CSS that combine CSS: The Missing Manual and other from another example.

Next week I would made it look more the same way it was before.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Working on a the website and I have a problem because a sidebar(aside) should show of the right like this on in this website.

But on my website the (aside) is on the bottom, tomorrow I will work on this issue.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Yesterday after I put the image in my website I got two errors but today I fix it. Now the website  doesn't have errors.
Picture of the validator.

 During this week I was looking for a simple tutorial about VIM and here is one of the tutorial.
 Tomorrow I will try to take out the menu bar and put a (aside) bar on the left side. This is not included in the CSS: The Missing Manual , how to made this is from another turial.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


I was working on the example where they show you how to put a picture in the page, I add the picture and now I have two problems which I will try to fix tomorrow.
The website here. WEBSITE.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Monday(Error Fix it) Doing the Ch.3

Last week on Friday I check the CSS of this website and I get and error of the CSS here a picture of the error.

the problem was a missing semi-colon after the background: url("nav_background"), but today I fix it and now look at the website validate.

Here is the CSS with the error.

 Here the error is fix it.

 Today after I fix the error on my page, i move to the Ch.3 of the missing manual and I add this:

Here is the CSS .

I read an example but I Would do the example tomorrow.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday "working on the website"

Today finally i get back to work and here a picture and the link of the website and how it looks no; however there is an error in the CSS that I will be working on next week.

Link to the CSS.

Image if the website.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Working on Ch.3

Finally I get into the website where the book is. Tomorrow I will try to make some change on how this website look; however the website will not look that different by the end of tomorrow and in this website for now will have some on old CSS.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Progress.

I was trying to log in into the website where the manual of CSS is but I don't why the didn't let log in . Today I didn't get done anything because of that reason but hopefully by tomorrow I will be ready to continue practicing the examples of the Book i am reading.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday(The Website)

Last week I worked on the website and on this weekend I will try to finished the menu bar of the website. Here is a picture of the Website.

Today I will not included the Image of the CSS. However I will included a picture of the HTML.

Today I didn't  continue the CSS: The Missing Manual because I could not log in where this book is. I will try to work on the CSS tomorrow and by the end of this week I will try to have a better website with more style.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Friday (3/11/11)

I was working on the website today and here is the last website for this week. and also some screen shoot .

and here is the screen shoot of the CSS

and the HTML
but now look at the website is including a menu bar which is not done yet but I will work on the next week.

I want to make sure that my website is validate, so I made the validation and here  is the result:

There is  just one warning but it is OK because I am using the HTML 5. The HTML 5 is the new HTML so you will get this warning.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Thursday 3/10/2011

I was working on the website today and I look at the background of the <h1>and <h2> so i take out the background. Now look how it look my website and also I center the body of the entire website.


And some screen shoot of the codes.

look at the code and there  are some codes that have (/* command */)  which will disable the code to be executed. 

and also the HTML, this is the same.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Second day in the First Style

I working on the example that the book give me and this is staring to look nice.
Here is the website and how it looks now is  not that much of different from yesterday.

Today I will not included the HTML and CSS files, because they don't change that much but I add some picture below.

and here a picture of the HTML

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The First Style

I was working on the Chapter 2 of the CSS: The Missing Manual and here is the result of today and By tomorrow I will keep working on this example and see how the website look at the end of this Chapter 2.

Here is the WEBSITE also here is the HTML the CSS which is not done yet.
Here is a preview of the website and Style and HTML.

the HMTL in the Terminal

and the CSS to style the website is here.

This is for today tomorrow I will keep reading the Book  and try the examples on it.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Today I was about to read the The CSS Manual and I saw message that say Logged Out.
It take me sometime to get my password back and after I reset my password and I try to log in it didn't let get in. And so I didn't get don't anything today.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


   I was reading the tutorial and I found out this three different definition lines which are <dl> is equal to (definition list ), <dt> (definition term) and <dd> (definition description) this is the first time I see this tags. But there in the tutorial there is  a link to a website which it show you how they work the website is www.w3schools.com.
This is an interesting book and there are so many new things about the CSS and HTML that I didn't know.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I was reading a book of CSS: The Missing Manual, Second Edition I found some commands that are <abbr> for abbreviations, and <code> for computer code.
I not sure how this command are used in CSS.


While I was working on my Nova id one of my classmate ask me how to renamed a file in the Terminal. I didn't  know how to do it but I made a quick search on Google I found that (mv) will renamed what u want to renamed.


: mv intro.html index.tml

 The intro.html is the old file and the index.html is the new file name. However, this command is also to move a file from one place to another for example from your Document to the Desktop of your computer.